Aug 1Liked by Jia Jiang

This sounds exactly like me. I don’t lack in ambition or drive but I always find that the excitement of a project’s inception is often dimmed by the monotony of its continuation. As a result, I start off strong and often inspire others to collaborate with me but end up ultimately either losing focus or becoming overwhelmed and frustrated.

I suspect strongly that I might have ADHD but I would rather find holistic ways to become more disciplined and content than seeking help from a psychiatrist.

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That sounds exactly like me! After reading ADHD symptoms I too feel I might have it but dont want to get on any drugs! I want to learn to discipline my mind into supporting me to stay focused and finishing what I start!

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Aug 1Liked by Jia Jiang

Same here! I suspect there are many other people out there who have probably had ADHD and went years undiagnosed who could benefit from this.

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Hi Bella, would you please fill out this questionnaire? I'd love to learn more about you, and chat if there is a fit. Thanks! https://forms.gle/j4bwioFZTD7kTCA1A

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Aug 1Liked by Jia Jiang

I love the sounds of this book. I definitely need the some tools and and systems to remember that it’s not all about discipline but includes love too

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Aug 2Liked by Jia Jiang

I'm very interested! I want to do a lot of things but have a hard time focusing until I get into a time crunch. I am also involved in a lot of things and would like to be able to compartmentalize them better.

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Michael, are you open to fill out this form so I learn more about you? https://forms.gle/j4bwioFZTD7kTCA1A Thanks!

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Aug 1Liked by Jia Jiang

I loved "Rejectionproof" and am looking forward to your next book.

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Congrats, Jia! This is also me. I need this book! :) Have always been high ambition but low discipline. But reading your last book, joining your DareMe/Sisphyi program this past year, and learning more about strategies for myself (diagnosed with adult ADHD) has helped a ton. Yet always looking to improve and continue to grow as a human. So excited for your new book to come, and wishing you and Tracy and your family lots of love.

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Lily! How have you been? I'd love to chat again. Do you mind to fill out this questionnaire? I think you are definitely an ideal reader for this book. https://forms.gle/j4bwioFZTD7kTCA1A

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Aug 1Liked by Jia Jiang

Definitely sounds like you’re describing me … now more than ever. Life can be cruel and I’m learning that finding discipline through difficult times is even more of a challenge than chronic procrastination. I’ve been reading your stuff for a decade and have learned a lot … so I’m very much looking forward to the next lessons.

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19Author

Hi Ryan, would you please fill out this form so I know more about you? I'd love to chat if there is a fit. https://forms.gle/j4bwioFZTD7kTCA1A Thanks!

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I need this book! The high achievement and low motivation is meeeee

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Hi Maigen, would you please fill out this form so I know more about you? I'd love to chat if there is a fit. https://forms.gle/j4bwioFZTD7kTCA1A Thanks!

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Aug 1Liked by Jia Jiang

I need this book. My ADHD makes it difficult to finish things/see things through. I’m stellar at making plans and horrible at following through with them.

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Lauren, are you open to fill out this form so I learn more about you? https://forms.gle/j4bwioFZTD7kTCA1A Thanks!

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If my drive to get things done were as strong as my procrastination is, I’d be able to spin the world the other way around. I’ve had a few moments of success, but self-sabotage brings me back down to mediocrity and frustration

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Andrew, are you open to fill out this form so I learn more about you? https://forms.gle/j4bwioFZTD7kTCA1A Thanks!

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